Introducing the new MP Create Requisition Page!

The MarketPlace Create Requisition page has undergone a complete redesign!  We have simplified the navigation, added many requested features and updated the customer service pages.


MarketPlace Supplier Listing screenshot


Image of MarketPlace home page

One of the new and most requested features is a keyword search.  With this feature, you can type in a product or keyword and your results will show which suppliers that product has been purchased from in the past by campus users.  This is an incredibly valuable tool when you are shopping for an item and are unsure where to begin.

Other new features include:

  • A “My Top Suppliers” section displaying your most frequented suppliers auto-magically
  • A “Shop Deals” section listing discounted products from participating suppliers
  • A “My MP Account” Dashboard showing outstanding MP tasks and ongoing savings created by your MP purchases

But that’s not all… The Manage Requisitions page is also being re-vamped. The Requisition Status is being tuned up to improve accuracy and a new PO Status is being added for further transparency. These Non-MP PO Statuses will be updated regularly by the agent handling the PO to provide you insight into where your PO is in the process.

Mark your calendars as these new and improved MarketPlace pages will be LIVE on the morning of July 3, 2018.